Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pretty Presets has out done themselves!!

I follow a few really great vendors, and associates in the photography world that have a passion to help others succeed. This is one of my associates that I enjoy learing and growing through...http://www.lightroompresets.com/.

I am entering into a contest they are hosting to share their ENTIRE store of Pretty Presets, and thought I would share it with you! I am always in seach for ways to give a better product to my clients, and also adding to my business the knowledge needed to succeed, and really have an impact on those around me.

My goals within 2012 are to mentor young, new photographers, which I am currently working with my first now.
  To give of my time and talent, which has been part of my business since day one. This year I have given several sessions away, and December 2009, and this Christmas I will be participating in http://help-portrait.com/. Our role in WPB is with families of adopted and foster children that would not otherwise have the means to have a family photograph...We print their images right there that day, professionally touched up, and lots of love! It is all possible from donations and hours of planning, at no cost to the families!

  I also plan to find other ways to impact my community, and give back in other ways.

  I dream of having a full year starting with 2-4 clients per week...BIG Dreams!! :O) Through marketing myself within creative means, I hope to expand my territory and reach a larger base of families that come back each year.

I hope you enjoy this blog,...if you have any suggestions or want to share something, please feel free to write! robyn@robynbarkleyphotography.com or see below! :O)

Be blessed!